
Posts Tagged ‘employers’

While we know our economic state has a lot to do with why many of you are not whipping out your credit cards to buy Sleep Scentsations Aromatherapy Pillow Scents. So we threw our heads together to figure out a way to get you better sleep, without hurting your wallet.

While most employers likely think that sleeping on the job is their only worry when it comes to workers’ sleep habits. However, new research shows that if employees are sleepless at home, it’s a concern for companies as well.

A study found that delaying the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia translates to billions of dollars in health costs, lost productivity and absenteeism. The report estimated that insomnia accounts for at least $42 billion in direct and indirect health care costs each year.

Sponsored by pharmaceutical company Sanofi-aventis U.S. and the Center for Medicine in the Public Interest, the research found that 70 million Americans may suffer from some form of insomnia. In addition, a startling number of those cases are undiagnosed and untreated, compounding the financial burden on U.S. employers and the health care system.

Insomnia as a ‘chronic disease’

“We should treat insomnia as it should be treated: a serious medical condition that has significant health and economic implications,” says CMPI Vice President Robert Goldberg, Ph.D.”Like other chronic diseases, insomnia has been managed according to the cost of treating patients instead of the cost the disease exacts on individuals, employers and society.”

The report, “Waking Up to the Insomnia Crisis: How Insomnia is Costing America More Than $42 Billion a Year and What We Can Do About It,” reveals that individuals with insomnia miss work twice as often as those who do not suffer from the condition.

Further, insomnia costs employers about 4.4 days of wages for each untreated person over a six-month period, a figure that does not include money spent on indirect costs, such as lost productivity and treatment of the medical consequences of insomnia.

The results of this survey prompted them to devise a plan of action and a Sleep Awareness Campaign which would encourage employers to initiate wellness programs that integrate insomnia management.  Why not talk to your employer or human resource manager about trying it to save your company money while gaining your own health and wellness back!  Hey it’s worth a try!

For wholesale inquiries for Sleep Scentsations to help you sleep better as a company, contact DreamShopLive@gmail.com

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